How Old Are You?


New Member
How old are you? :) And how much Experience do you have With Chameleons?

I will be editing this first post and putting ages on this post :)

Please post it as...

Month/Date/Year (Age) Experience

NewOwner - 04/13/1993 (15) Experience = 4 months.`
pr3mo15 - 3/23/1989 (20) Experience = 2.5 months.
Laurie - 04/09/49 (59) Experience = 2-3 years
BoySergeant - 33 Experience = 3 months
JoJackson - young when the earth was old LOL Experience = 3 months
Brock - May 7th 1986 Experience = 9 years
ChrisNLisa - 05/25/82 Experience = Since 97
Leid - 03/07/1985 (24) Experience = 1.5 months
Mepokeu - 05/09/1983 (25) Experience = since 13.
harri - 1/21/1996 experience=1 year
LizardLover - 12/14/95 (13) 3 + or - years of experience
CodiWatkins - 08/23/1988 (20) Experience - Under 2 weeks.
luevelvet - 31 Experience = since 15
BlackBetty - 28 Experience = Almost a year
Viaje - 4/21/1990 Epxerience = 3 months
reptimom - 1-25-1962 (47 years old) Experience = over 2 years
Miss Lily - 4th July 1972, so I'll be 37 this year. My chameleon experience is 11 months
HowdyCo - 4-28-1960, 48-ish. 5 years + Exp
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I'm happy at 33... now if I can just stay here! :confused: I've been caring for chameleons for the last 3 months or so...and they are great!!
May 7th 1986, so I'm almost 23, and I've got about 9 years chameleon experience, about 14 or 15 years herp experience total.
08/23/1988..........making me the rip old age of 20!! I have a week and 2 days of experience(if thats what you want to call it)!! hahaha
I'm 31 and have been keeping reptiles since I was 13 and purchased my first chameleons when I was 15. I went quite a few years after I gave up my last one to pursue a career etc. Now that I'm back into it, I find it interesting that most of the information that I read 15 years has held true. Not much has changed in the way of actual husbandry methods other than the technology of course. I remember when Repti-Suns weren't invented, or at least popularized yet, and all we had to work with was Vita-Lite's...

Ok, I think that did it... I'm done now... :p

Wow some youngins...
I am 28, and have almost a year of cham experience but about 6 years of herp keeping experience.
Born 4/21/1990, which would make me allllmost 19
I got my first chameleon when I was about 10, but I didn't have chameleons for several years until now, the years between were spent with a lot of studying until I could move out and get more... sooo. either about 3 years with chameleons, or 9 years since my first.
1-25-1962 (47 years old)! Lived in Spain as a child where Chameleons roamed free! Bought my first cham over 2 years ago!
4th July 1972, so I'll be 37 this year. My chameleon experience is 11 months. I will have had Lily for a whole year on 12th May! She is my first herp, although I did have a tortoise called Bod when I was little!
4-28-1960, 48-ish.;)
Experience - 5 yrs with a veiled cham (15 years ago) and now 2 months with my panther.
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