How old is this guy


New Member
Hello i bought a panther chameleon about 1month ago i was told he was about 5months old but i would like your opinion. Anyways here is a picture of him DSC_0358.jpg

I think he is closer to a year also but some chameleons are huge compared to others and grow at different rates. I talked with a breeder at a show who had panthers and I was shocked at the size of his 5 month old panthers. They were really big and I know he knows how old they were cause he hatched them out. Have you weighed him? I have a 13 month old panther that is small and weighs about 145 grams. My other panther was about 200 grams at that age.
Thanks for the quick anwsers! and no i have not weight him the reason i am asking is cause i have him for about 1 month and hes been growing like nuts and eats like a real beast, he was in really rough shape when i got him part of tail missing and like every toenail was compeletey gone, and pretty dehyrated, but he got so big so quick.
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