How to deal with loss?


New Member
My cham passed away last night. I already buried her and said my good-byes but I am feeling extremely sad. I actually have tears in my eyes while I am writing this.
Can anyone recommend any ways to deal with the loss of a chameleon?
She was one of my only friends because I am not very popular and I really miss her :(

RIP Morpheus
Sorry for your loss. Do you know why she passed? If you have all of your husbandry set up correctly and you're up to it, the best way to cope is to possibly replace her. I know that may sound harsh or cold hearted, but why not? Maybe even go with a different cham. Just my .02...
I am so sorry to hear that morpheus passed away. It is so hard dealing with the loss of a pet, we all have been through it. Try to comfort yourself with the fact that her suffering is over and that you tried your best to fix her problems.

Only time can heal wounds like this and I wish you the best. RIP Morpheus
I am so sorry to hear that morpheus passed away. It is so hard dealing with the loss of a pet, we all have been through it. Try to comfort yourself with the fact that her suffering is over and that you tried your best to fix her problems.

Only time can heal wounds like this and I wish you the best. RIP Morpheus

Thank you. I really appreciate it. I'll tell myself when I'm sad that she is in a better place and all of her suffering is over :')
I am so sorry to hear that Morpheus didn't make it. I have been followIng your other thread about her problems and vet visits. There is no way to fully get over the loss of a pet. You sound like a young girl and I'm a grown lady and I am still sad over the loss of my chameleons. Just the smallest little thing can turn on the tears. Time will help but the pain never completely goes away at least not for me. There's something very special about chameleons and they have a way of getting right into your heart and staying there.
I am so sorry to hear that Morpheus didn't make it. I have been follow your other thread about her problems and vet visits. There is no way to fully get over the loss of a pet. You sound like a young girl and I'm a grown lady and I am still sad over the loss of my chameleons. Just the smallest little thing can turn on the tears. Time will help but the pain never completely goes away at least not for me. There's something very special about chameleons and they have a way of getting right into your heart and staying there.

I'm a young teen boy but just going through an emotional part of my life with not many people to support me but family. This didn't help much. Thanks for your kind words though, they mean a lot. :')
There's something very special about chameleons and they have a way of getting right into your heart and staying there.

This is so true Jann. They are like little babies, helpless without our love and care... We spend so much time happily fulfilling their needs; their health our only desired reward. When they develop a problem that is out of our control and we cannot help them it is just such a helpless and heartbreaking experience.
I'm a young teen boy but just going through an emotional part of my life with not many people to support me but family. This didn't help much. Thanks for your kind words though, they mean a lot. :')

I apologize for thinking your were a girl. There's lots of guys out there with sensitive feeling too. I hope you will start to feel better about things soon.
Awww, I am so sorry you lost your cham. When my first cham died (I have had 3 pass away) I was totally unprepared for how hard it would hit me. I cried so much my nose was still stuffed up 2 days after and my eyes so swollen I could hardly see. I honestly didn't realise how attached I was to her until she was gone. The house seemed so empty without her. It does take a while to get over, just like losing a family member. Just because they are chameleons it doesn't me we love them any less or miss them any less. Loss hurts, and sadly these guys are often not around for very long.

In the short time we are lucky enough to share our lives with them we form such strong bonds that it is only natural to mourn their loss. They are totally amazing pets and anyone who tries to console you by sayng 'it was ONLY a lizard' has never been lucky enough to experience the depth of feeling and attachment that you can have with a chameleon.
I'm so sorry you lost your little one. The loss of a pet is very hard whether you are young or old. I'm glad you have your family to support you at this time. Whether you know it or not you have the support of this family as well. You will never forget your baby but the pain will get less with time:)
Awww, I am so sorry you lost your cham. When my first cham died (I have had 3 pass away) I was totally unprepared for how hard it would hit me. I cried so much my nose was still stuffed up 2 days after and my eyes so swollen I could hardly see. I honestly didn't realise how attached I was to her until she was gone. The house seemed so empty without her. It does take a while to get over, just like losing a family member. Just because they are chameleons it doesn't me we love them any less or miss them any less. Loss hurts, and sadly these guys are often not around for very long.

In the short time we are lucky enough to share our lives with them we form such strong bonds that it is only natural to mourn their loss. They are totally amazing pets and anyone who tries to console you by sayng 'it was ONLY a lizard' has never been lucky enough to experience the depth of feeling and attachment that you can have with a chameleon.

I agree 100%. I never knew how much she meant to me until she started getting sick and when she passed my heart just sunk.
I'm so sorry you lost your little one. The loss of a pet is very hard whether you are young or old. I'm glad you have your family to support you at this time. Whether you know it or not you have the support of this family as well. You will never forget your baby but the pain will get less with time:)

Thank you Kate. I really appreciate that :')
I was so sorry to hear about poor little Mo.

For me it always helps to make something in their honor, whether it's to draw a picture, get a photo of them printed and framed, or to do something else that somehow honors them in my mind (like buying a really nice plant to keep by my desk, since I rent and have no yard to plant something in the ground for them).

But you're definitely not alone here. This community definitely knows how much it hurts to lose chameleons, whether you had them a couple weeks or many, many years.
so sorry

I am truly sorry for your loss. I understand 100% how much it can hurt to lose a beloved pet. I lost my first chameleon, Raine, after having her for only a month. Like you I took her to the vet and did everything I could to make sure she would be happy and healthy. Just know that everyone here understands just how much these little chams can mean to us and how much it hurts to lose one.

Again, I am sorry. I hope that you can soon find a way to heal...
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