How to 'encourage' my vieled chameleon to leave his cage


New Member
I've had my vieled chameleon for about 3 months now which puts his age at 5months old. He seems healthy etc. The only problem I've had with him is getting him out of his cage for cage cleaning. I don't think grabbing him is a good idea because I know they are easily stressed, so I've been cleaning the cage with him in it. My question is how do I pick him up with out him hissing at me and getting angry?

And a second question... If he dosen't want to be handled thats fine, but would it be o.k if I open up his cage and let him out to explore a safe area under supervision? Is that bad for the animal? And will I be able to get him back into his cage easily?

(So far I can easily get him to take food from my hands and occassionally he will put his front feet on my hands to reach for the food, but then he just retreats back inside the cage after eating.)

any advice would be appreciated,

p.s. , do they bite hard??
I have a veiled and used to have a long stick that I would use. I would put it in his cage at an appealing spot (close to him, yet just a little bit higher so that he would be enticed to "step up" onto it). and once he got on I would slowly pull it out and then put him somewhere. My cham actually enjoys climbing around although I'm sure that there are cons to doing this but he actually figured out how to unzip the zipper on his screened in enclosure enough to squeeze out so sometimes he does it on his own.

The bites that I've had weren't comfortable but weren't horrible either. I think that the biggest problem is the "splat factor" (as my vet refers to it). They bite and your first instict is to whip your hand away which can potentially whip your chameleon who was holding on across the room... you get the picture.

I have tried 'the stick' idea before, he responded worse to the stick, he coloured up violently, nice idea though.
There was a thread on here yesterday called "Getting him out" go to Forums, top left and then you will find it under "general disscussions" You might find this helpful.
Can I let him walk around in a safe area under supervision or is that bad? I was thinking of letting him out for a walk in my living room, is that o.k?
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