How to Feed Chameleon?


New Member
So we just got our new veiled chameleon today and we're wondering how much and how often to feed it. I offered it a super worm but I only got a hiss instead of some epic tongue action XD
Anyway we have small Petsmart crickets and a bunch of superworms. We also picked up some calcium dust.
I think he's 6 months or less. He was just a little baby when they got him at the store then he'd been there for about 3 months.
Ok thanks! The store said they normally only sold males but I'm not sure yet. Can you tell what sex this is?


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The males will have a small spur on the back of their feet. The top picture is representing a males foot and the bottom represents a females
Here's a closeup of their feet. What do you think?


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Welcome to the site. Glad you found us. Please read the info sheets provided below for a good start:

There is an infinite amount of info here on this website. I always learn something when I read a new post, or search for something I'm wondering about. This site and it's members are an invaluable resource and will provide you with proper guidance and care for your new guy/gal. As posted earlier, look at his/her back feet. In the pictures you provided, I can not get a good look at the back of the foot.
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If you could provide a better picture Im sure it would be easy to tell, but I am new to this so I will let someone with more experience answer this I wouldnt want to give you false information
I tried to get as close to the feet as possible without stressing them out. Close enough?


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From what you've posted, I believe you've got a little girl. No tarsal spurs from what I see. I'd like a few more members to chime in to either support or debate my claim.
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