How to get my panther to eat from his cup?


I'm having a hard time getting my panther to eat from his feeding cup. I'm trying to switch from crickets to dubia because money. Does he not like them anymore? When I first got him, he ate them no problem. I don't know what to do.


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Well if they don't want to eat from the cup there isn't much you can do I'm afraid, but keep trying. Mine are funny about it too. Sometimes they will other times they flat out refuse. He will still eat Dubai roaches he is just probably board with them right now that is why it's important to give them a variety.
I'm having a hard time getting my panther to eat from his feeding cup. I'm trying to switch from crickets to dubia because money. Does he not like them anymore? When I first got him, he ate them no problem. I don't know what to do.
I've gone through a few iterations of feeder cups, as well as locations. In the wintertime, at least, my panther's favorite spot is on or around his basking area, so I figured my best bet was to put his new cup there.

Here's a video of him using it. The cup is a sunny d container, cleaned out, cut open with mesh on the inside and velcro on the back. Let me know if you have any questions.

Try putting your feeder cup up higher or near your guy's favorite spot.
Also I find if you have something in your feeder cup insects can crawl up, but not get out helps too. The crawling movement entices them to strike.
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