how to increase his appetite?


New Member
i have a 5 month old panther male. who decided last week he was going to go on strike with the crickets. i got some super worms and gut loaded those,and tried that today. he wouldn't have anything to do with it at all. he ran from it. he needs to eat,what can i give him to increase his appetite?
i am going to order some silkworms but they won't be here until next week.
any ideas until then?
kim, is he still pooping?
If he is, then it means he's eating something behind your back.
Yhe'll be fine.
just keep offering crickets and superworms, until your silkies arrive.
If you want, you can try ordering fly pupae, and ship it overnight.

if he has not been pooping for a week, check if it actually a hunger strike or a case of an impaction.
Sometimes an impacted chameleon will stop eating completely.
I am not the most experienced cham owner around but from what I have went through in the past I find that eventually they come out of it. All of my panthers went on a hunger strike around that time and in fact 1 is going through a small one right now. Usually the hormones kick in around 5-6 months of age and then you notice there appetite going south for a bit. I just offer them the usual cricks and start to mix in silkies and horn worms along with the occasional super here or there. I keep each one measured up every Sunday and as long as I do not see a dramatic drop in weight (which I never have) then I never worry. If you see a dramatic drop then there is something else causing your cham to go in strike aka parasites or stress....Try a different feeder here or there and see what is what and then let us know. You can also try feeding your cham once every other day to see what happens. That jump started one of my chams around that time.

You will see...
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