how to incubate Pardalis eggs???


New Member

i waiting for my Pardalis eggs which my female should lay in the next days...

This is the first clutch i had from Pardalis thats why i´m not sure how to incubate them now...

Hope anybody can give me good tips for incubation please? :rolleyes:
Some people will buy incubators but others will keep them in a closet or other nuetral part of their house so the temps dont go too high or low. I will tell you how I have prepared my eggs for incubation. Once they were layed, I carefully excavated them out of the soil/sand mix and placed them in a tupperware container with a inch and a half of moistened vermiculite. When doing this it is important not to roll the eggs or turn them from their original position. A very tedious process but the safest way to go. The vermiculite should have enough water added so you can take some in your hand and squeeze out a couple of drops of water. It should not be any more or less moist than that. Once you place them in the verm spaced at least an inch or so apart poke 2 small holes in the lid at opposite ends so there is a transfer of air but not so much that it will dry out the verm too quickly. I bought a dedicated temp/humidity guage and keep the probe in the container to monitor the temp/humidity. Here is an old post that has pictures of my laying bin and the final container once my eggs were ready to put in the closet for the long excruciating wait of 9 months.
your waiting for eggs to be layed and you dont know how to incubate them! lol well from what i have seen and various questions you will need some vermiculite some small containers and water! thats it haha heres a really good video

i know what i need for incubation, but there are so many possibilitys for incubationtemperature for pardalis and i want to ask with which temperature you had make the best results...
I have an Incubator, Vermiculite and the right container to put the eggs in...

otherwise it is interesting for me, how much water you give to the vermiculite? so 1:1 or 1:2 or so on?
iv heard 72 - 75 is a good temp for pardalis and 75 - 80 is good for calyptratus, some people even go 80 - 85 but i have read that they end up with smaller babies hatching out, and i think its 1 cup water per 5 cups vermiculite
your waiting for eggs to be layed and you dont know how to incubate them! lol well from what i have seen and various questions you will need some vermiculite some small containers and water! thats it haha heres a really good video

Hey thats my video! :) Glad you liked it.
We use hatchrite dosn't need water at first. You add that later and we use the weight method I explain in the video.

Also I GREAT article about Panther breeding can be found on The Chameleon Companys's website:

I followed that article when hatching my first eggs
plastic container containing damp vermiculite, put eggs into divets (I press my thumb into the medium to make a little resting hole) in the vermiculite, put lid (with a small hole or three) on container, put container in shoe box, put shoe box on shelf in closet in roughly "room temp" house. Check periodically to ensure vemiculite is still damp (not wet). wait.

You might read a book on the topic, if you want details.
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