How to Keep Bulk Crickets?


New Member
Today I'm picking up my very first bulk order of 1000 crickets! Since this is the first, I'm unsure of what to feed these insects so they don't die on me.

I know about gutloading and I plan to gutload 10-15 crickets (for my 3 month old male veiled) the night before feeding with plenty of fruits, veggies, etc.

But my question is... what do I normally feed my crickets throughout the weeks?
I'm not an expert or anything, but from what i have learned, collard, mustard, and dandelion greens are good choices. as well as sliced orange, carrots, apples and many others.

I use the method in this video, it works really well.

This is also a great website:

Do some google searches and check the tubes. There are a lot of good sources out there. And like i said, im not an expert, just sharing what i have learned so far.
for me, the most important thing is having a large container! Crickets eat each other.... alot... so you need alot of room, and lots of egg cartons! as for food, i perfer to buy the water "gel" stuff from where ever i buy my crickets. And i also use partialy the dry cricket Gut Load, and vegetables.
How do you keep the fruit flies/Gnats out of the cricket tub? Suddenly having an issue with that and I never did before.
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