how to offer dubias

Sir Spiral Tail

New Member
I currently have a milkjug feeder with a screen back to put my crickets in for the feasting...soon to be starting a dubia colony. Would the same feeder be ok, or what feeder bowl ideas do you have?...Also, do i dust roaches as i would crickets? I assume so, but just wanna double check
I dust the roaches like crickets. My male veiled will not eat the roaches if they are in a feeding cup, so I have to hand feed or put them on their backs on a large leaf so they kick their legs. My female eats them as long as they move a tiny bit in her feder contraption, but always goes for the crickets or worms first.
my guys eat them in cups and out of cups... it depends on how hungry they are and their mood. sometimes they have no interest in the roaches and other times they do... I dust them the same as I would a cricket meal.
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