How to ship several little ones?


New Member
Does anyone know how I should pack around 10 gecko's that are no more than 4"? A member on here needs some to control a pest problem at her house and I'm going to catch and ship them to her as their are plenty around here. Can I put several in each container? I plan on using feeder containers like those that you get with superworm, butterworm, hornworms. Will ship overnight also. Thanks for any info
These are common ghost gecko's that max out at about 4" total length. They will vary from 2-4". I'm going to try and get her full growns but may be a few around 3". Just wondering how many can go in each container, if I should just put one, Do I need to do anything to the gecko's themselves before shipping , such as wetting them down etc, etc. Never shipped any live animals. Also, Don't know the real name for these, their commonly called ghost gecko's around here. Very pale almost transparent skin, some have a tinge of pink to them. Breed like rabbits! I found 4 of them on a jobsite about 8 years ago and let them loose outside. On a warm summer night I can count 80 with no trouble around our porch light and on the eves of the house. Their strictly nocturnal. David
They should be fine if you put a couple in a boz, I say 5 max so you know they have enough room, I would also put something damp in there so its moist, like a paper towel with water mostly squeezed out. Also, spray them down a little so they are moist.
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