how to transport?


New Member
as some might recall my post on friday,that my cham(chammie) had blood in his stool. i have located a vet that will be able to get him in tonight(hopefully),to check him out and do a fecal exam. however i obviously need to get him there. i have only had chammie for 3 weeks tomorrow,and have never picked him up,touched me or even attempted to. so now i am wondering how am i going to get him there? what is the best way to transport to the vet? and in what? do i spray it with some water,put branches?
as you can see i am pretty ignorant to this area. so if someone with more experience could help me.
chammie and i would greatly appreciate it.
to be a transporter you have to have a really fast car and you've got to be a stunt driver and know how to fight

just kidding a brown lunch bag will be fine then that that lunch bag and place it into a box with padding around it so you don't have to hold onto the bag the whole trip, which will also let him settle down if there isn't someone constantly touching and moving him
thanks should i spray him before i take him? or put any branches with leaves in it? or just put him in the bag/then the box.
thanks for all the help.
When i take mine out I use a deli style cup tall. I poke a pin size hole on the top and bottom and stick a pice of branch in it. Then he is good to go...
i was a little more insane i took a platic pet cage about his length in with and put a bendible vine above paper towels that i misted for humidity, included some fake leaves for cover and put this in a safe box after putting a background on it. this way he could hang out and if he fell landing was soft and short.

yah i know i'm addicted to my chams
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