How's he looking?

Letting Wallace catch some rays while we clean his cage, he's not thrilled lol


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He's only in the shoe box while we lean his cage. He gets really really freaked out when handled so this is the best way we've found to limit his stress. Free ranging hasn't worked well with him unfortunately:/
He's only in the shoe box while we lean his cage. He gets really really freaked out when handled so this is the best way we've found to limit his stress. Free ranging hasn't worked well with him unfortunately:/

I am planning on getting a baby Panther chameleon about 4-5". I live in Bakersfield CA and it is very dry here. I am wondering if I should start him out in a glass or screen cage. I need to keep some humidity in the cage. Are respiratory infections common with glass cage? Thanks. Also can I keep a 3 month chameleon in an adult cage with a lot of vines, like 2' x 2' x 4'
I am planning on getting a baby Panther chameleon about 4-5". I live in Bakersfield CA and it is very dry here. I am wondering if I should start him out in a glass or screen cage. I need to keep some humidity in the cage. Are respiratory infections common with glass cage? Thanks. Also can I keep a 3 month chameleon in an adult cage with a lot of vines, like 2' x 2' x 4'
I keep my panther is the largest exo-terra. These cages ventilate very well. I chose the exo-terra for the same reason you stated. I live in a very dry hot environment through most of the year, this provides a great indoor habitat. I do put my guy outside with droppers going most of the day when I'm home. I don't like crickets in the house. An outdoor enclosure is perfect for that.
very good looking boy

but to answer your question I think its safe to say he is a little put out with the current situation
I'm too worried, he gets freaked and jumps so this is safest for him. It's not a frequent event just when we clean his cage thoroughly like every other week.
I am planning on getting a baby Panther chameleon about 4-5". I live in Bakersfield CA and it is very dry here. I am wondering if I should start him out in a glass or screen cage. I need to keep some humidity in the cage. Are respiratory infections common with glass cage? Thanks. Also can I keep a 3 month chameleon in an adult cage with a lot of vines, like 2' x 2' x 4'
i live in mesa, az i have mine in a screen hes doing good just get a mister on a timer and a humidity thermometer
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