Humidity question


New Member
I live in an extreme arid environment:
I use a drip system (running constantly) and my mistking is currently running 3 minutes every 2 hours between 8am and 6pm.
I rarely hit 60 percent.
Mostly I'm at 40 to 50 percent.
My young 9" baby male vailed seems to have some "rough" skin on his lower belly area.
He is in a mesh cage and I'm currently considering reducing some of his ventilation to increase his humidity.
I agree that you could block off 2 sides of his cage to reduce the ventilation. Also do you have any live plants in your chams cage?
I recently added a couple of live plants to my cage and it has greatly increased the humidity.

There is also one more thing you can do that I have tried and has given me some success, which is getting a washcloth or a small towel and getting it damp with some warm water and placing this at the bottom of your chams cage and this could also help increase humidity.
Hmmm... damp cloth, not a bad idea.
Thank you.
Currently he has 5 live plants that "jungle up" the bottom 60 or so percent of his cage and then are numerous runways throughout out and above that.
He spends most of his time at the top.
Cage is 19x24x37 hexagon.
I'm thinking of zip tying some small plants to the upper areas and see what that does.
Try getting some more live plants, it boost humidity, also try misting more. Get a humidifier and place it so it's facing the cage that way the mist goes into the cage. It will help out much.

The nicer thing about Veiled's they are from the Saudi Arabia and Yemen area which isn't too humid, so the mid/lower ranges of humidity shouldn't do too much but I would add a humidifier to the room you keep the Chameleon in.
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