humidity question


New Member
Hello everyone. I'm fairly new to the forums and have a quick question. I'll be getting a male Jackson chameleon in a few days, I'm just testing the temperature and humidity first. I live in Colorado and my hygrometer reads about 30-40%. I know it needs to be higher so i got a cool mist humidifier and have a shower curtain on 2 sides. Should I let it run all day, or just for an hour here and there? Should it point directly into the cage, or just be in the the room? In the yiutube video by jdog, it goes right into the cage, but i figured I'd ask. Oh, and I have a large umbrella plant and some pothos in there. Thanks!
aiming it at the cage helps a little, butt it wont matter too much as it will mix with the ambient.

my ambient humidity is 45-50% normally and my cage is all screen....with regular mistings things are fine

you do NOT need to create 80%+ humidity ALL of the time (like you would with dart frogs etc)
I would put in to where it goes into the cage. Jacksons need high humidity, so putting that there, running for a while will be great for it. Another thing that may help is giving 10 minutes sprays in the morning shortly after the lights come on, and when you get home from work/school in the afternoon.

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