hungry chameleon


New Member
anyone got a rough idea of the amount of food a 9week old chemeleon (male) SHOULD BE EATING - IVE SEARCHED BOOKS AND GET CONFLIcting advice ?
ALOT!!! Generally 10-15 crickets aday until about 6 months, then he will start slowing down. A couple of guys on here have websites that are really informative, but right now i can't think of what they are. I'll get back to you if nobody else gives them to you. In the meantime just buy some stock in a cricket farm. lol.

9 weeks will eat as much as they can.
ive heard many of different values (ive never owned one so young)
but the estamite was between 15-30 on average.
some young ones eat less or more
i believe that i heard someone said they feed 40 or 50 crickets a day
but i cant say if that is true.
i would say feed them as much as they will eat.
untill like debby said, about 6 months.
My chameleon is 9wks and only eats 4-5 .125" crix per day, and that is normal, they will not eat 10-15 a day at this age, at least mine does not.
I have a female Veiled, 4 months, that will eat as much as I give her.
6 1/2" dubias and 12 3/8" crickets without even blinking.
I keep it around 3-4 dubias and 12 crickets most days.
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