Husbandry Review

Of course he picks a different place to sleep tonight! This little bugger! 😂


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Nothing to report as far as a change last night. But the fact that my son turned the dehumidifier on, after I turned it off, may be part of that. I ordered a separate Govee plug for this so I can incorporate it into the app and have the info centralized with everything else.

I will add that my PVC hacked fogger is not working as well as expected - only in the sense that it is dripping some water from some of the seams. But this is a big thing obviously. My Kasa smart strip is close enough to possibly get dripped on. I did not want to use pvc cement so I could take everything apart to clean. Not sure what to do now. Need to think about this.
Nothing to report as far as a change last night. But the fact that my son turned the dehumidifier on, after I turned it off, may be part of that. I ordered a separate Govee plug for this so I can incorporate it into the app and have the info centralized with everything else.

I will add that my PVC hacked fogger is not working as well as expected - only in the sense that it is dripping some water from some of the seams. But this is a big thing obviously. My Kasa smart strip is close enough to possibly get dripped on. I did not want to use pvc cement so I could take everything apart to clean. Not sure what to do now. Need to think about this.
I would personally go back to the standard tubing and just have it aimed down towards the area where the plants are closest to where your chameleon sleeps. Then depending on how that goes maybe make another pvc version of you want to do that. Remember the important thing is humidity where he sleeps. I have an enclosure and I only fog in one place.
What I did was silicone the seam of the one piece that was leaking. Then the past two nights I had used the original tubing into the PVC, and it worked very well. I also tested two nights with the dehumidifier off. The temp stayed between 65-68 and the humidity ranged from 72-80%! So unless I see something dramatic change, this seems to be perfect. His little cham dumps have been looking good as well. Very hydrated. Thanks for all the advice you guys offered!
What I did was silicone the seam of the one piece that was leaking. Then the past two nights I had used the original tubing into the PVC, and it worked very well. I also tested two nights with the dehumidifier off. The temp stayed between 65-68 and the humidity ranged from 72-80%! So unless I see something dramatic change, this seems to be perfect. His little cham dumps have been looking good as well. Very hydrated. Thanks for all the advice you guys offered!
Yay! This makes me happy. Glad to see some good news!!
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