I don't know


New Member
if I could bare to give my cham silkworms lol.
Maybe some of you know but it's pretty difficult to get silkworms in the UK and I finally managed to find some eggs and now that I'm seeing them hatch I'm being reminded of when I lived in S.A and used to pick them off the trees and keep them as pets and I'm thinking that I don't know if I could feed them to Marley lol.
They are so cool looking and even the moth looks cute!

Does anyone else agree at all? lol
I quite like the worms, but no thanks to the moths. I bought a few but my chams wouldn't eat them, and they weren't hardy enough to be put back and forth. I have to say they are one of the most personable worms I've every met LOL. Butterworms are up on my list too. Don't like supers or maggots.
I have to agree - as silkworms get bigger they develop what looks to me like big brown eyes and a nose- they do have cute faces, but it never stopped me feeding them off as I know how much my chams enjoy them! They are VERY hard to get hold of in the UK aren't they?! I think the moths are so cute - I had one pupate a couple of weeks ago and I thought it was the prettiest moth I have ever seen! I just loved the way it cleaned it's antennae too! I just couldn't bear to feed it to Amy or Tommy, so it died of natural causes after 9 days! There's pics of it here in my thread (yes, it was so cute it got named, lol!:eek:) https://www.chameleonforums.com/meet-moffy-40260/
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