I don't think my little guy is eating..

Hey guys, new here so bare with me. I have a juvenile jackson that has been here at my house (from the pet store) for about 4 days now.
I live in central fl for reference.
I started off the first and second day just leaving 4-8 (small) crickets in his enclosure, the first day they were dusted with calcium/d3, the second day they weren't...I watched him...and watched him..and watched him some more and did not catch him eating..I even hid to watch him because I thought he might be eating-shy lol.
Both these days his feces was solid/black beanish looking. His urate was half white half orangeish the first 2 days..i have increased his water intake and now his urate is just white.
Third/fourth day - day 3 i took him out and put small meal worms on a white plate in front of him and he paid them no mind..walked around them for 30 minutes and didn't eat one..so i cut up a tall tupperware and put 6 crickets in it and put it in his enclosure...still 6 crickets in the tupperware..still about a dozen running around his cage now..walking all over him and I still havent seen him eat one single cricket!
Sorry the post is so long, im just starting to get paranoid..any questions to me will be answered to the best of my ability..thank you so much guys.
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It takes then time to settle. Leave them alone and let it relax. Only open the cage to put in food and water
Try and use your fingers/tweezers to feed him in his cage, or try something else. See if he eats a waxworm, and if he eats it then try crickets and or mealworms
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