I got him


New Member
This is all i could get outa the litle guy, he seems to be really nervous and stressed bout his new home, im wondering when i should feed him.

He's a male veiled :-D


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wow, camera view on a drunken trip :)

try using macro when you want to get close.

Feed him whenever you want, he is probably very hungry
This is all i could get outa the litle guy, he seems to be really nervous and stressed bout his new home, im wondering when i should feed him.
If he/she is a veil, should have no problem in the eating dept., given the age /size that he/she appears to be. Just make sure the little guy has had time to warm up/bask a little, if cool delivery temps. this morning. I'd offer a drink via a dripper first. Many times a chameleon will arrive thirsty, especially if heat pack/s where added. Good luck, and congrats.
well ya im just letting him run around getting use to the environment, and im sure he's wanting to get warm, i put a feeding cup in there with 4 1/4 crickets so hopefully he'll wonder over to them and eat those. he's 2-3 months i ordered him from FLCHAMS.com
congrats on getting him.

sorry, but I forgot what you were getting and the pics are not too clear.

my new baby didn't eat on the first day, so don't be suprised is yours don't as well.
but please mist alot on the first day as he's thirsty as hell from the trip with posable heat packs.

congrats again

I had a 3 month old veiled who I picked up rather than had delivered and the little guy ate like a horse when I offered him some crickets.

Can you show us some pics of the cage?
yes gimme a few minutes, and his color is back to bright green as it was when i opened his container. so i think he's getting realyl use to the cage and starting to like it. :-D
Grats on your new arrival! Stay off the drugs though, like seriously... man. Whoa I can see through my skin!
Here's some pics of the cage he's in


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could you anser a few questions please...

what did you get again?
what size cage do you have?
what temp is the basking spot at? what lights are you using? (because it's kinda trippy looking)
what is the humidity like when dry and after misting?

he is a male veil, the cage is 16x16x30 my camera im using is like 5 or 6 years old so the quality isnt good, the humidity stays round 40-55% when dry the basking is bout 80-85 degress. im using a 5.0 reptirun 18"
HE'S ALREADY SHOWING COLORS!!! He has a yellow line on the bottom of his chest, an orange line along his backbone and yellow patches on his side :-D
Congrats Daughty!

Hard to tell from the pictures what he is, but Im sure he was a quality cham coming from FLChams.

Do me a favor...walk outside with your camera in hand and throw it as far as you can, then come back inside.:D

Your temps/humidity and cage size all seam to be in order, now all you have to do is water, feed and watch grow.:) Keep us all updated on his progress!!

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