I got my veiled!!!


New Member
I just got my veiled from Lost Lake today... I felt like a kid waiting for Santa, I even had trouble sleeping last night, how pathetic is that!

So anyways I was imagining all sorts of horrible accidents that could have befallen my little guy, but he seems to be doing great!

He crawled immediately up to the furthest left hand corner of the cage, closest to the heat lamp. His basking spot on the vine below is around 85 degrees, so I imagine it is a bit hotter up by the bulb. I'm sure he got cold from the journey here from FL but will he risk burning him self...?

Anyways, all is well so far. when should I start feeding? My 1000 1/2 inch crickets came yesterday and are just waiting to be eaten I'm sure.

Thanks again to you all for your awesome help!



Congratulations!! He's a nice looking guy. How old is he? You mentioned about burning himself, be careful with the lights. They will burn themselves by getting to close. They don't seem to be aware of the heat on them. He looks to be older than 3 months. If he's around the three month mark you need to keep temps no higher than about 85 in the basking spot. They can't tolerate very high temps until their older. Glad he made it OK. I don't guess his sire was one of their stunning wc males was it? I'd love to get a baby by one of those. Good luck and keep us informed. David
Can you post a pic of the whole enclosure? I want to see how you have it setup. You can start feeding now throw a few in there and watch him chow down...
Thanks, everyone.

Josh told me he was about 4 months old. I will buy a bigger bulb today if he can handle more than 85. I wasn't sure at what age to up the temp.

Here is a picture of his newest setup. He is hiding behind a vine when I took it.

He also recently turned a dark green as opposed to his lighter color he had when he arrived... should I be concerned?

I forgot to add a few specs: Not pictured is a dripper that drips about once every 3 seconds, humidity is about 50-60%, the basking temp is 85(which I will increase with a bigger light bulb) ambient is about 75 degrees, which will also go up. I also have a UV light.

Should I worry that he turned so dark green? Is that stress?
Your temps sound fine to me. I probably wouldn't up your temps for another month of so depending on how big he is. Some 4 month olds are the same size as someone else's 3 or 6 month olds. Is this your first? Sounds like you've got your setup right. Nice looking cage. Main thing is your uvb source. I'd stick with the 5.0 reptisun linear tube.
Yes this is my first, and I am a stressing out a bit until I get a hang of things... so maybe I wont up the temp then. He is about 3-4 inches long minus his tail. If I remember right, I am at work right now so I don't have an exact measurement yet.
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