I just bought my first Jackson Chameleon i need a little bit of help

Today i just bought my first chameleon. He is 1 year and 4 months old. I have done my research but I saw on YouTube that you need to give your Jackson water though a spray bottle because they can't see still water, is this true? If you guys have any pointers for me that would be helpful to. He said that you should only hold your Jackson for 5 mins a week but other people said that you can hold them more then that, I just want to make sure he is happy and healthy.
Chameleons in general don't drink standing, still water. They'll drink off of leaves and plants after a good spray down. I have found generally two good mistings a day and keeping the humidity up works well. There are also misting systems you can look into but they're generally quite expensive.

Here, I found this earlier as I bought my first Jacksons today as well!

I have a Jackson's! Welcome to the wonderful world of chameleons, glad to have you here :)

First off, they need the high humidity. I strive to keep mine around 60% and that was virtually impossible with just a spray bottle. What is he staying in, terrarium-wise? And yes, use the spray bottle to spray the leaves/vines with water for him to drink - they only drink water droplets off of leaves. Mine has gotten used to drinking directly from a dropper (ear dropper from my hands) and daily I use my "Little Dripper" which sits on top of the cage and drips for 20 minutes or so.
That is a good idea and i'm going to pick one up tomorrow. I think this form is going to be very helpful to me. Does any one uses live plants if so what kind of live plants? I feel bad putting fake plant in there with him.
Jacksons are considered by many harder to care for than most other chams. They need a constant higher humidity, a cooler temp than others and are more prone to over supplementation. This is why they are not recommended for a beginner Cham. Here are a couple links that should get you pointed in the right direction.



I have an adult male, female, and 10 Jackson's babies.
Me again,

I have all fake plants and vines on the glass of my ExoTerra terrarium [i find the glass holds humidity better] as well as a large real plant. I get plants that are good with high sunlight as they deal with UVB and heat all day. Here's another fun page I keep handy:


Real plants provide good humidity levels. I also keep a small amount of coconut husk in an open container at the bottom of my cage to help keep it humid. You've just for to watch and make sure your feeders don't go MIA in the dirt.
When you mist, do it lightly. I noticed chams would rather drink luke warm water rather then cold water. THey enjoy sitting under the warm misting sometimes too!
let your guy settle in and maybe you can start to work with it after some time of settling in.
Welcome to the forum!
Looks like everyone is pointing you in the right direction already! Congrats on getting a Jackson! My first chameleon ever was a Jackson as well! Welcome to the forum as well, you'll find yourself on here a lot more as the hooks of chameleon addiction sink deeper in haha:D
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