I miss Rango so much.

Rango my Jackson chameleon passed away 2 weeks ago. I haven't posted this sooner because I've been to sad to do it. Rango was my first animal I ever had from a repti con. He was supposedly about 3 years old. I was fascinated from the first second I saw him. I had many other Jackson chameleons to chose from but I was fascinated by his beautiful green body with his blue tail. Rango gave me one year of joy. I know it wasn't very long but none of the vets were able to tell me what was wrong with him so I'm assuming he was older than 3 years and he died of old age but how he died isn't the point here the point here is to let you all know the joy he gave me and to give me some closure. Everyday I came home from school I was so excited to see what he was up too. I used to show him off to all of my friends and they all loved him. Rango was the best chameleon I could ever own. But I have to move on and focus on giving the best care possible to my other chameleon and geckos. Even though Rango is gone I must carry on. With his loss two more will be gained very soon as I have two crested gecko eggs that should be hatching in the next month or so.

I miss you Rango
I hope you get the best tree in heaven with lots of bugs to eat.


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I am sorry to hear that you lost Rango. It's always hard to have to say good by to a special friend. You have my condolences.
I have also lost that very special Cham. It really tears at your heart doesn't it? I am sorry you lost Rango, but I am happy for the time he had with you.RIP Rango
Sorry for the loss of your beloved Rango. We spend so much time with them when they are with us that the void when they are gone is very painful. Glad he gave you so much pleasure, as I'm certain you did for him. RIP Rango.
Thank you all so much for your kind words. Rango with every other chameleon that passes away have a very special place in our hearts and they will be forever loved and cherished.
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