I need help ASAP ??


New Member
My veiled chameleon just are two pebbles of perlite..
I'm freaked out
What can perlite due to him?
Can it kill him?
Is there anything I can do to help him?
Perlite is non toxic so I don't think it will affect your chameleon in that way, it just depends if he can pass it through his system or not
Perlite is non toxic so I don't think it will affect your chameleon in that way, it just depends if he can pass it through his system or not because you don't want him being impacted. Watch him closely for the next 24-48 hours
look up what to do in case of impaction
Whether or not he passes it, could possibly depend on his size. i would be more concerned the smaller he is. If he is on the small side, you could possibly drop a drop of mineral oil on a cricket or two. however, i am not sure of whether or not that would be ok. mineral oil is not toxic, but still not 100% on it. i would feel safe with it. just make sure he is plenty hydrated, as that will help him pass it normally and easier. good luck.
I would expect your guy will pass it Ok not much to do besides wait. My guy has eaten some debris including dirt a d a small rock. I have to watch him closely when outside because he will shoot his tongue if he sees gravel of any kind.
Cover your soil with LARGE river rocks so he cannot get access to it again. You have to make sure the rocks are big enough that he cannot injest those also.
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