New Member
I have the safe plant list, and have gone through home depot, lowes, and walmart looking for the plants on the list. However, I have only found african violet, and maidenhair fern. Everyone seems to have ficus trees in their setups, but ficus' are not on the list. I have a Jackson, so i looked up native plants to the highland areas where they are from, but those plants are not available as far as I have seen. The list has Dracaena plants on it. I have seen many of these plants, but they all look different, and I don't want to get a wrong one. It sucks that there aren't pictures on the list, it would be easier. Can someone please also tell me why bonsai trees aren't on the list? The money plant in on it, but not the money tree? why not? what makes it bad? Its from a similar climate and would thrive in a humid terrarium.