I need more opinions please look:)


Hello everyone, let me first say, thank you to the two people who answered and took a look at my pictures and gave me their opinion, I'm in no way doubting you thoughts or coments on alue's skin I just wish more people would have looked and comented 2 is great but more is better :)

for those others who haven't read my other post, I have had my female cham for around 11 months, she laid a clutch of 46 eggs a couple weeks ago and since then she has had a whiteish, almost like calcium/water stains that you get on your fish tank after the water evaporates(best way I can describe it) the thing is, she is around a yr and never had it before, the day bafore she laid she slept in her tunnel so I thought she was just dirty but its been a couple weeks and it is still there...

She never had this on her before so if anyone can tell me wat it is I'll be extreamly greatfull alue is my baby!!!!!
Hi :) I've gone and looked at your pics, she is such a pretty girl!! My female veiled had some strange colouring around her face and legs after she laid her first clutch but it went away on its own.

My theory- the pigments (chromatophores?) that enable chameleons to change colour are controlled by horemones. And I would think that egg laying would change horemones quite a bit since they change colour when gravid etc.

That's just my theory though! I'm not a cham expert or a vet or a scientist :)
Your Chameleon - Female veiled,around a yr old,had her for 11ish months
Handling - Everyday, she walks right onto my hand the second I open her door and then free ranges above her cage she has a jungle gym of vines etc I only make her sleep in the cage cuz I have a cat and dogs
Feeding -dubia, crickets most of the time10-12 and treats(meal,wax worms)Gutloaded with a recipe I found on here a little after I got her
Supplements -repcal cal d3 once a month,repcal multivit once a month and plain cal almost everyday
Watering - Dripper and I mist 2-3 times a day,
Fecal Description - Normal

Cage Info:
Cage Type -wood,all screen, it's like 5"tall and 2x2 square
Lighting - Reptisun 5.0 10-11 hrs
Temperature - 85-90 basking spot 70-75 the rest of the cage
Humidity - 50-60% dries out between and I keep 1/4 of the tank dry all the time so she can pick
Plants - Umbrella tree and draceana
Placement - My living room but I don't have many people over not near any windows or anything and it's about 2 ft off the ground
Location - Carson city nv
I'm sorry takani, I know you asked me to take a look but you're going to need to do much better on the photos for any kind of medical advice. your camera may not be up to it, but there's absolutely nothing I can make out that appears to be unnatural or unusual.

obviously if you really feel there is an issue and cannot get the info needed for an answer here, take her to your vet. either it's something that needs to be treated or not, and sometimes paying a little for peace of mind is priceless.

definitely need a higher resolution picture. The higher resolution will allow the picture to be larger so people can take a better look at what you are describing.
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