I think my baby cut himself? Help!


New Member
I noticed when I was misting King Leo this morning like a little cut near his spikes. Is it anything I should worry about? What could it be from? Thanks so much!
Are you sure its a wound and not just a cut in the shed? Because he sure looks like he is going to shed at any moment
Yah it looks like a cut to me. I would use just plane Neosporin, and keep an eye on it. If it starts to look infected I would go see a qualified reptile vet.
Right before I went to get in his cage to mist I saw him reach his back leg around and scratch that area. Not sure if he did it over night or if he could have scratched himself? Should it be neosporin or any kind of cut ointment?
Yah it looks like a cut to me. I would use just plane Neosporin, and keep an eye on it. If it starts to look infected I would go see a qualified reptile vet.
I'm with brownie64, keep some polysporin on it until it doesn't look red and raw anymore, should lower the chances of infection considerably. Also will help it heal faster.
Maybe he's going to shed,
Is he that bright red just below the dorsal crest normally? Can't really tell from the photo.
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Right before I went to get in his cage to mist I saw him reach his back leg around and scratch that area. Not sure if he did it over night or if he could have scratched himself? Should it be neosporin or any kind of cut ointment?
I don't think he would manage to do something like that to himself. My guess is it would happen on a sharp branch, maybe from a fall. If it isnt just shed that said
I remember reading on here one time that some of the new Neosporin has additives you don't want. So I would just make sure it is just the plane stuff.
I noticed when I was misting King Leo this morning like a little cut near his spikes. Is it anything I should worry about? What could it be from? Thanks so much!View attachment 148368
Are you sure its a wound and not just a cut in the shed? Because he sure looks like he is going to shed at any moment
If you look close at her picture below the spikes and lower you can see another spot in the skin that's open & to me it looks like the start of a shed! Just my .02!
Yah it's a tuff call without being there. The second pic looks like a cut, but the skin color is blood red too.
If you look close at her picture below the spikes and lower you can see another spot in the skin that's open & to me it looks like the start of a shed! Just my .02!
Just got him out the cage and got a better look in the light. Couldn't get a pic since I'm home alone but it was definitely just his shed. Where it opened its all green. The red was just his color. I freaked out for no reason!! Thank y'all for the advice!! HAPPY NEW YEARS Y'ALL!!
Just got him out the cage and got a better look in the light. Couldn't get a pic since I'm home alone but it was definitely just his shed. Where it opened its all green. The red was just his color. I freaked out for no reason!! Thank y'all for the advice!! HAPPY NEW YEARS Y'ALL!!
Just as I thought! Glad it wasn't anything to worry about :)
In the future, if your chameleon ever has a cut, you can use Neosporin or Polysporin. They are both safe to use on the skin.
Or you can use a dab of super glue! My vet recommended using it after taking out worms under the skin in wild caught chameleons Aka nematodes! When they shed again the super glue comes off with the old skin & the cut is healed!
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