i thought my Veiled was dead...


New Member
have any of your had a chameleons that was so deep in a sleep you thought he was dead? i had this happen to me this past sunday, and it scared the poop outta me. i literally was trying to remove him from his sleeping branch, trying to unlock his nails from the branch. i was soooo bummed, then all of a sudden *boom*, his eyes opened and i swear, he looked at me with this "what the heck are you doing" look.

anyway, he seemed totally fine after this. he ate, wandered around on his tree, and sat in the sun enjoying life.

for what its worth, it was 68 in his cage when he woke up.
Yeah I have to tip toe into the snake room at night for my final checks. They're both fairly easily woken up really. Considering the way chams can contort themselves into being very thin, I would have thought when they expire they would look very crumpled :( Oh man I can't bear it! I'm outta here...
What made you think he was dead? That sounds odd!
1st, it was almost 10:30 in the morning, and everyone was up and moving around the house at 8:00. plenty of noise to wake him up. my Beardie and my other Veiled Sam was wide awake. 2nd, i tried to wake him up by talking to him, and then by touching him because i found it so weird he was still asleep. when that didnt work, i literally tried to pick him off his perch. i tried to pull him off his branch and this still didnt wake him up. by this point i was convinced he was dead since he wasnt responding at all to all the physical contact. so, imagine my surprise when his eyes opend.

and for the record, he was already awake this morning when i flicked on everyones cages at 7:00am.
1st, it was almost 10:30 in the morning, and everyone was up and moving around the house at 8:00. plenty of noise to wake him up. my Beardie and my other Veiled Sam was wide awake. 2nd, i tried to wake him up by talking to him, and then by touching him because i found it so weird he was still asleep. when that didnt work, i literally tried to pick him off his perch. i tried to pull him off his branch and this still didnt wake him up. by this point i was convinced he was dead since he wasnt responding at all to all the physical contact. so, imagine my surprise when his eyes opend.

and for the record, he was already awake this morning when i flicked on everyones cages at 7:00am.
FYI: They are pretty much deaf.
So the lights were on for a good while and he was still passed out? But awake at lights on?
That is odd.
Maybe somthing kept him up all night?
Awake all night, sleeping during the day, test him for drugs!:p

I would keep tabs on him for a couple days

Yes with that odd behavior, check on him a few extra times at night, and in general for a bit.
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