I want to get flys!


Avid Member
I want to get some flies, but I am having an issue. Petco sells a vial of flies in this blue gunk. The flies are really really tiny if I bought the flies how would I feed them off? I know this is probably the dumbest question of the day but I really need help because jasper is still hardly eating...
I would look on ebay for the seller Junart the flies he sells are in a huge container and last forever. The shipping is really great too. Just search on ebay for fruit flies and you will find his auctions. How do you feed them? you smack the top of the container to knock them down open the lid very fast shake some out into your supplement bag then pop the lid back on really quick. Some always manage to escape on me but its worth it cuz my chams really love them. Just make sure you don't feed them all off at once leave some in there to breed.
The D. Hydei's get up to 1/8th an inch. The Melongasters are smaller. I would get the Hydeis for sure. Just shake them onto the plant your chameleon hangs out on. They can climb almost any surface so a feeding cup is useless with them.
Yes they will lay eggs in the "gunk" and also eat it you don't add anything. Heres what I do I set my fly cultures on top of my UVB light fixture and the heat that gives off really gets the flies movin and layin eggs. After like a week you will see the pupae crawling up the side then they will harden up and new flies will emerge. Oh and I know the blue cultures I was gettin from petsmart were prone to mold so watch out for green growin.
Ok the house flies... do they fly and just hang out in the cage? One more dumb question are they big like a normal house fly or because they are bred and kept in a fridge does that make them smaller? LoL I know I am the worlds biggest idiot but I am REALLY worried about Jasper not eating. So please forgive me!
I got house flies from Tiki Tiki. They come in a small cup. Here is what I do I put the pupae that I want to hatch in a plastic cup with a piece of fruit for them to eat when they hatch. I put a piece of wax paper over the top with holes poked in it with a rubber band around it and put it on top of my UVB light for heat. They hatch out in like 3 days or so and I release them into the cage. I only use them as a treat so I don't supplement them but you can put them into the fridge for a minute to slow them down. They are the same as your average house fly except they are clean and don't have the potential parasites.
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