I want to hold my panther


New Member
he is 4 m old and i have him for 10 days. i can not get my hand close to him without him opening his mouth and throat getting big. what can i do wanted to put him in shower to make sure he is getting enough water. he is healthy and is eating is no problem. thanks
Yeah yeah yeah I've had my girl 4 months and still not held her :) some will tolerate being held and some will not. Ultimately it's easier for them if they will because it'll make things like cleaning and vet visits easier.

I have to spot clean with her in her tank and get her out onto a fake tree (just leave her till she comes out, no touching) if I want to do anything major.
he is 4 m old and i have him for 10 days. i can not get my hand close to him without him opening his mouth and throat getting big. what can i do wanted to put him in shower to make sure he is getting enough water. he is healthy and is eating is no problem. thanks

if you mist, run a dripper and you see him drinking, and his urate is white, then he is probably getting enough water. I would not stress him out with a shower unless you think it is absoultely necessary. You have only had him 10 days and it takes alot longer than that for them to get used to you. Sometimes, they never take a liking to you, just so you know. Try to hand feed him and get him to gain a little trust that you are not going to harm him.
he is 4 m old and i have him for 10 days. i can not get my hand close to him without him opening his mouth and throat getting big. what can i do wanted to put him in shower to make sure he is getting enough water. he is healthy and is eating is no problem. thanks

move very slowly always
10 days isnt very long to have settled in yet
let him learn that you bring food, and no harm - dont try messing with him yet (showers are not a good idea for 4 month animals, and in truth are not necessary ever if you provide water correctly all the time)
dont touch him if he doesnt want to be touched (they are often more of a look at than a touch animal) - if you want an animal you can play with, this isnt the one for you ;)
let the animal leave the cage on its own, via a branch, and you may find it is less likely to bite when outside its territory.
I agree, gain his trust, be gentle & give him treats by hand. He's probably still really nervous, he should calm down once he realizes "hey, this person gives my food and water and doesnt hurt me" or he could just not be a people person...well chameleon..

Some chams are strictly "Look Do Not Touch" and others are like HEY! U! Over there! LOOk at me :p

Only when you must. ;)

Especially at that age they will be skiddish.

He will get to know you though.

They will come to associate you with food, and not feel that you are a threat.

You can offer food by hand on occasion. They will eventually take it, and eventually they may climb right on to you whether you like it or not!:p This is fine, just take things slowww.
I myself do feel you should only force them to be handled when absolutely necessary.:)
I handled one of my melleri today to put it in a bag and send to my sister, is that ok or do I get slapped?


Only when you must. ;)

Especially at that age they will be skiddish.

He will get to know you though.

They will come to associate you with food, and not feel that you are a threat.

You can offer food by hand on occasion. They will eventually take it, and eventually they may climb right on to you whether you like it or not!:p This is fine, just take things slowww.
I myself do feel you should only force them to be handled when absolutely necessary.:)
I handled one of my melleri today to put it in a bag and send to my sister, is that ok or do I get slapped?

I would deem that necessary.

You still get a slap for not sending it to me instead. :)


I just really wanted to use that meme:D and I think it accurately shows how important I feel it is to let them be as much as possible. ;)
he is 4 m old and i have him for 10 days. i can not get my hand close to him without him opening his mouth and throat getting big. what can i do wanted to put him in shower to make sure he is getting enough water. he is healthy and is eating is no problem. thanks

I agree that if you're running a dripper and misting adequately he should be fine with water. When mine was a baby and scared to be held, I put a silk plant in front the cage with the door open and a few branches going into the cage for him to climb out on. Then I would close the door and leave for 20-30 min. That's how I cleaned his cage when he was little. and I also started hold him at that point by moving VERY slowly with him. I would sit in the same room with him for a while reading a book or something so he would get used to my presence, then I would also hand feed to get him used to my hand in his cage. I would also SLOWLY put my hand underneath his chin and under his belly until he was either climbing onto my hand, or only touching with the front feet. If he seemed stressed, I'd SLOWLY move away and come back in 15-20 min. I did that for months and now he doesn't mind being held at all, he actually "begs" to come out onto my arm and go outside:D
I agree that if you're running a dripper and misting adequately he should be fine with water. When mine was a baby and scared to be held, I put a silk plant in front the cage with the door open and a few branches going into the cage for him to climb out on. Then I would close the door and leave for 20-30 min. That's how I cleaned his cage when he was little. and I also started hold him at that point by moving VERY slowly with him. I would sit in the same room with him for a while reading a book or something so he would get used to my presence, then I would also hand feed to get him used to my hand in his cage. I would also SLOWLY put my hand underneath his chin and under his belly until he was either climbing onto my hand, or only touching with the front feet. If he seemed stressed, I'd SLOWLY move away and come back in 15-20 min. I did that for months and now he doesn't mind being held at all, he actually "begs" to come out onto my arm and go outside:D

this sounds a good way to go about it
he is 4 m old and i have him for 10 days. i can not get my hand close to him without him opening his mouth and throat getting big. what can i do wanted to put him in shower to make sure he is getting enough water. he is healthy and is eating is no problem. thanks

from my experience ive gotten both my panther cham and veiled to let me hold them without any aggression, i started by leaving them alone for a week or two then i started bringing them cups and id shake it to show them crickets eventually they knew what the cup ment and wouldnt be so scared i then started to hand feed and then they kinda stopped being so mad at me my panther even crawls towards me now
thanks i will try all the above slowly. i know they are not holding pets, but i just would like to hold him a couple times a month
from my experience ive gotten both my panther cham and veiled to let me hold them without any aggression, i started by leaving them alone for a week or two then i started bringing them cups and id shake it to show them crickets eventually they knew what the cup ment and wouldnt be so scared i then started to hand feed and then they kinda stopped being so mad at me my panther even crawls towards me now

I use the same plan. Almost ignore them for a few weeks, feed them by letting the cricks crawl out and onto the vines free range style.
When my new guy comes out of hidding and is out in the open, eats in front of me, and knows I am watching, its time to graduate up to cup-in-hand feeding.
After a few months, even the most skiddish cham will climb on my hand w/o any lures (when in the mood that is!!).
They also like to climb on my head when I stick it in there to clean!! :rolleyes:
If you want a pet to hold, get a dog or cat lol. Chams really do best when they aren't messed around with...sure some tolerate handling better than others, but really I can imagine none of them really enjoy being touched or grabbed.
Chams have some strange moods as most all of you know.

I've had my 9 month old Ambanja for almost 2 months and handled him rarely for the 1st month.

Although he ate from my hand within 30 minutes of coming home, if I tried to hold him, he would puff up and gape his mouth. 3 weeks later, all of that went away as he got finally got used to me.

When I added my outside enclosure, I began handling him almost daily...still VERY SLOWLY. He will walk right up onto my hand now.

This outside enclosure has made him less "hand-feedable" now, as he had rather pick off the crickets, supers and silkies, but he will take food from me occasionally. I'm OK with this as long as he's eating!

He acts very "excited" to go outside and will now come to the front of the screen waiting to be picked up.

He has had a couple of bouts where he almost fell off my hand as he quickly (too quickly) climbs up my hand, onto my arm. Each time, I have had to "lightly" but securely, put my hand around him to keep him from hitting the floor.

This puts him back into a "mood" again for a couple of days before he begs to come outside.

My wife is dissapointed that he can't be "held" yet inside, but I know that one of these days, he'll settle down (I hope).

He's STILL the most interesting "pet" I've ever owned. If he went totally the opposite direction and became solitare and anti-social, I would still LOVE HIM just the same.

Heck...I get moody too at times!

Tampa, FL
I'll echo all of the above. My veiled is just starting to believe that I'm not going to kill him, after about 11 months :D My baby panther is another story - I am determined to try to get him comfortable around me from the beginning (he's a 14K and Jewel's baby, so he's got the friendly genes), so I cup feed and then pull up a chair and read a book. So far we're 1/2 way through Anna Karenina and Kosby actually came outside with me to the lanai the other day. Just go slowly and have patience like everyone else said, trust me, the results will hopefully be worth it! :D
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