Identify this bug?


Chameleon Enthusiast
I was hoping someone could help me identify this bug. I am not sure what kind of bug it is or the kind of plant it was on, I caught 5 of them in my backyard just now on this 1 plant next to an oak tree. I was looking for stick bugs, which I think this may be or a Katydid (likely a katy). At least I hope it is one of those 2 lol.

Anyway here is a pic of the bug and the bush.

Also is it helps, these guys have no problem crawling right on to my hand. And just crawling around on my hand. Looks like the one I got the pic of has a broken leg or 2, which isn't surprising I also saw alot of small jumping spiders on the bush.
That almost looks like a diapherodes gigantea, though it would have to be very young. They are a type of stick insect, so maybe you have a type of stick insect that is heavier bodied?
That almost looks like a diapherodes gigantea, though it would have to be very young. They are a type of stick insect, so maybe you have a type of stick insect that is heavier bodied?

Ya I dont have the slightest clue lol, but it does look like a stick bug huh? They are very small, this pic is way zoomed in. they are like less than a 1/2 long.

Guess I just have to raise it up and see :).
Not a stick, but one of the true bugs, in the assassin bug and stink bug families. Some can give an unexpected and painful bite, especially the wheel bugs, that are about an inch long and have a buzz saw like extension on it's back.
Not a stick, but one of the true bugs, in the assassin bug and stink bug families. Some can give an unexpected and painful bite, especially the wheel bugs, that are about an inch long and have a buzz saw like extension on it's back.

Well is it edible by chams? No idea what it is?
Edible, yes, but it could also bite the chameleon. I don't know the exact species, but I'm 100% sure of what it is and can possibly do, as far as biting. Google assassin bug or green insects found in ( your state ), for an exact identification. Some of the species in that group suck the juices from plants and others suck the juices from other insects, so the Google search for a green insect might be best.
Edible, yes, but it could also bite the chameleon. I don't know the exact species, but I'm 100% sure of what it is and can possibly do, as far as biting. Google assassin bug or green insects found in ( your state ), for an exact identification. Some of the species in that group suck the juices from plants and others suck the juices from other insects, so the Google search for a green insect might be best.

We have assassin bugs in my state but they are Black, will these ones become black?

Edit: Okay found this,

It is Zelus Luridus
Still find them absolutely adorable, anyways I doubt you'd want the stick insect I mentioned, they get to close to a foot long, are rather heavy and aggressive too.
If it is a female, it will tend to stay more green. If male, the back will appear much darker because of their wing color.
Assassin bugs and stink bugs are in two different families.

I am sure he knows that. What I think he meant was Assassin Bugs and Stink Bugs belong to the order of Actual "Bugs" where as other things that get called bugs do not.

Or he meant it could be either of the 2, as nymphs of both look very much alike.
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