If I go on holiday (vacation)


New Member

Fist of all great forum, i've gleaned tons of info from here :).

I've not yet got my cham but i'm trying to prepare myself for as many eventualities as possible. It's inevitable that I will need to go away for a weekend or so, what do I do then? I have read other threads about this but just really want to make sure.

If I get one of these http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Mist-Maker-Po...39:1|66:2|65:12|240:1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14 will it give him enough to drink? i'll only be going away for 48 hours max at a time.
No, that will not work. At least I am pretty sure it will not. You should look into one of the ones by HerpMist or MistKing. They are great quality, and will definately provide your Cham with plenty to drink.
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