I'm Back :)


Avid Member
Hello All! I have missed this site tremendously! My computer crashed about a week and a half ago. It was time to get a new one anyway, but this was not the way to do it. I got a new one, but it took a week for an expert to recover all my data files and transfer them to the new one. Then a few days ago, someone hijacked my husband's social security number and at least one credit card (that we know of) and started charging fancy toys to it. I've spent several days playing fraud detective so the police can nail these people. Whew! I need some Chameleon Forum therapy :)

No new eggs have been hatching lately. I'm waiting for a couple of clutches that are due at any time. One is an Ambanja clutch. The male is one of my favorites. Solarius, below, is a wild caught male I bought from Mike at FL Chams. He is a really big boy. He's very gentle with the ladies. He lives full time with a female. Once they become gravid he leaves them alone. The females sit side by side with him even when they are gravid. They will lay their eggs in a big pot filled with coco fiber right in the cage with him keeping watch. He's is noticeably unhappy if a female is not in the cage with him so I always have one or another in there with him. He's the only male I do this with. Here is my gentle boy:


The clutch I am waiting to hatch was laid by Azura. She was purchased from Tyler Stewart of Bluebeast Reptile. Her sire looks very similar to Solarius except a little more red on the face. Below is a picture of Solarius with Azura:

Solarius and Azura.jpg

Hope I haven't missed anything important. I always like to see the new babies and new aquisitions. The best therapy on the internet :)
Thanks :)

Thanks! Solarius is a special boy for me. The eggs are due at any time. I'm not counting them before they hatch though. I will be keeping any babies for about four months so I can see how they start to color up. I will keep as many for myself as I have room for. If I have extra's I will offer them to people on this site. Selling them is not my real goal and I will never be selling them on Kingsnake.com to strangers. If I ever do sell any of my chams, it will be to people from this group that appear willing to do what it takes to keep the little one healthy :)
I know that computers can be a pain in the rear but you just can't live without them!! Sorry to hear about the ID theft, that can be extremely difficult to deal with, good luck on that.

It is hard to count the eggs before they hatch so just keep your fingers crossed that they will all come out fine!
Welcome back paradalis girl! Sorry to hear about your troubles.

If I had extra space I'd be begging you for one of those babies!
Welcome Back! I had my credit card number lifted and used before. 2,000 bucks worht of Fredrick's of Hollywood charged to it. hahaha
Welcome back, Catherine. Beautiful Ambanjas. Kent (Hairfarm) had a furcifer major lay eggs the other day. First time 3rd generation. That was pretty exciting. You might want to check out his thread under breeding forum, if you haven't already. Hope your sleuthing helps nab the culprit!
Oh, I will put my hand up for a young'n when you get around to passing them out of you have any left over :)
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