I'm getting a 5 month old Veiled tonight!!


New Member
Hey everyone , i just wanted to let you all know that i'm getting a 5 month old veiled chameleon tonight!!! He's a little boy... and he's very healthy...

If anyone can give me pointers on Everything... feeding and what not.... that would be awesome!!!!

I'm Super Excited... Done tons of reading but would love some EXPERT Advice!!


YAY!!!!!! :D:D:D
staple diet- gut-loaded crickets/roaches
treats(every now and then)- superworms,wax worms,hornedworms, mine love waxies..
mix it up dont be predictable.
WOOT! Finnaly,someone new who didnt buy from a petstore! Hope he comes happy and healthy for ya:)
Appropriate basking temperature is important...it aids in good digestion. Mid 80's should be good for a 5 month old.

Exposure to UVB from either direct sunlight or from a UVB tube/linear light allows the chameleon to produce vitamin D3 which allows it to use the calcium in its diet. The UVB from the sun or the bulb should not pass through glass or plastic.

Most feeder insects have a poor ratio of calcium to phosphorous so dusting the insects with a phos.-free calcium powder at most feedings before feeding them to the chameleon helps to make up for this.

To ensure that the chameleon gets enough vitamins I dust twice a month with a vitamin powder that has a beta carotene source of vitamin A. Beta carotene sources of vitamin A will not build up in the system. However there is controvesy as to whether all chameleons can convert the beta carotene so some people give a little preformed vitamin A. Excess preformed vitamin A can prevent the D3 from doing its job and lead to MBD so its important not to overdo it.

If a chameleon only gets UVB from lights then you may want to dust with a phos.-free calcium/D3 powder lightly twice a month. D3 can also build up in the system so don't overdo it.

Its important to feed the insects a nutritious diet and gutload them before you feed them to the chameleon.

Water can be provided by a misting system and by a dripper.

If using real plants in the cage (and I recommend not using fake ones) they should be non-toxic and well-washed (both sides of the leaves)...since veileds are omnivorous once the reach about 5 or 6 months of age.

Here are some sites that give good information...
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