Im in a pickle


New Member
Hi I have a female veiled chameleon that is gravid and impacted. I've been to the vet and that was the diagnosis. She is loseing weight so I've been feeding her super worms and waxworms. Also I have been giving her liquid calcium (iodized). For the impaction, I have been feeding her papaya and baby pears and once a day i have been putting her in a ten gallon tank with saturated towels with a heat lamp to try to try to get that impaction moving. Trying to avoid surgery help is appreciated thanks.

Super worms always make my male Nosy Be impacted. I had to stop feeding them to him. Might try something softer.
Was she mated? If so when? If not how old is she? Has she had a place IN HER CAGE where she can dig to lay the eggs? As was asked...impacted or eggbound?? In either case how was that determined?
She was both (gravid and impacted) luckily she has started pooping again after a couple days. Yes i do have a place for her to lay eggs, it's a 3 foot tall bucket filled with one foot of sand.
The impaction was determined because she didn't poop for about a week. And she's about a year old and has the gravid bump on her side. Also she has been using a lot of her energy and weight into this because her casque is not bulging like a regular chameleon and she's had a huge increase in appetite.
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