I'm new with a couple questions?


New Member
Hi I'm new to owning a chameleon and breeding a roach colony so I have a couple question. :)

I keep reading that dog food is not good for the chameleon and I wanted to know another cheap way to feed them.. so what is cheap food for the roaches that I can feed my Chameleon? (I have Dubias btw)

also are those house roaches bad for chams? I was just wondering about those roaches..

How often do you dust your chams food and what kind of dust do you use?

and what website sells those Blatta lateralis Roaches I heard they breed faster that the Dubia?...
1. When gut loading roaches, with the purpose of feeding them to your cham, you want to use only chameleon safe food...

Potato, carrots (vit A), romaine lettuce,

Strawberry, apple, orange (vit C), banana, peach

These are just a few.

DO NOT feed spinach or broccoli

Remember, when using the roaches to feed your cham, only use chameleon safe fruits/vegetables.

2. When feeding roaches for the purpose of breeding (not used as feeders), you can do a few things to help.

Roaches need protein to reproduce and the dog food offers tons of protein.

Feed them the dog food, as well as fruits n veggies when only breeding is the goal.

Make sure to increase the heat of the roaches if you want to increase the breeding.

Higher heat + protein = lots of roaches.

Do Not feed roaches that ate dog food for 2 to 3 days.

In that 2-3 day span, you must gut load with chameleon safe fruits/veggies to clean out the roaches system.
I understand in this economy, everyone is trying to save money, but gutloading should not be one of the ways you try to save. You are what you eat! If you want a healthy cham then use fresh fruit and veg.

And i wouldn't use house roaches. Too prolific and tooooo good at escaping. Then you really have issues. lol.
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