I'm sorry


New Member
I want to sincerely apologize for my attitude in the "Ambanja?" post. I'm sorry for anyone who i offended and i just want to say that my frustrations are not coming from you guys, but have accumulated after years of arguing the very same hybrid/integrade concepts with snake and gecko enthusiasts.

Anyhow, I stick by my stance, but not the way I chose to get my point across. Once again, i'm sorry to anyone who was offended or insulted by what i said.

It was in poor taste and no one deserves that nonsense from someone with as little Furcifer experience as me.


Joe Farah
Ahh, the Morelia forums.... It shouldn't be the same here, agreed. I know what locale the animal appears to be, but to say it's 100% one place or another is not possible. There's no reason for arguments over what something looks like to get heated. No one's right and no one's wrong. Sorry if anyone took it the argumentative sense.
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