Incandecent bulbs keep blowing

That clamp lamp picture doesn't show the neck of the dome well. Are there any venting holes in around the top , where the socket meets the reflector? You may be cooking the bulb. It may be overheating to the point of producing early failures in the bulbs filiments.

Also, any chance you live in an area with heavy industry nearby. Spiking or browning out power from industrial loads switching nearby can cause this issue, although, you would see it in other bulbs around the house also.
This only happens on this particular lamp I believe. I think it's because these incandecent bulbs aren't meant for 12 hour usage every day etc. I just don't know what other bulb to use really!
A 25 watt bulb will have a very fine filament, not intended for constant use (heating), they are more for pilot bulbs, fridge doors etc, not on for more than short periods. Id say they are simply burning out. Just use the max wattage bulb for the fitting and adjust the duistance from the basking spot/above the tank.
Ok thanks guys ill prob go for a 40-50W as that will be easier to handle than a 60W
With a 40 or 50 wat bulb how could I create the distance between the light and the basking spot especially with a clamp lamp type fitting it's hard.
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