Increase in Neptune's weight finally!


Chameleon Enthusiast
This is an overall health report as a good thing. Neptune is at senior age this year and he's always been a problem chameleon when it comes to eating. He likes being outdoors and is regularly spoiled with it until these last two years because of weather and fires. Well we have been lucky with stability with temps finally and no fires so far so he got to spend the last three days in a clean cage (still need some new plants and fake vines as well) and i also had some black soldier flies pupate and he got to hunt. It pepped him right up and he is eating a ton now! He had lost a lot of weight and nothing on vet reports so the only thing that it could have been is some form of depression i guess. Chameleons are weird never had one get so picky. But now he actively is displaying weight gain, his beautiful blues and yellows again, is sassing me more. Im thrilled.
I think i ended up spoiling him with keeping him outside 24/7 the first few years of his life (except one to two months out of the year), when i first got him. Because his entire personality changes when he's inside too long. Its incredibly hard to get him to eat consistently.
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