incuibating in perlite


Avid Member
I came home to one of the girls laying eggs. I went to pick up some more vermiculite The only garden center open only had perilite ,it say its sterile.The big question! Has anybody incuibated panther eggs in perilite????
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I came home to one of the girls laying eggs. I went to pick up some more vermiculite The only garden center open only had perilite ,it say its sterile.The big question! Has anybody incuibated panther eggs in perilite????

I believe its the same as hatchrite. I'm using that currently. So far so good but I did add water even though it says it doesn't need it for the first time after 5 months of incubating.

I've used perlite lots- I prefer it over vermiculite, though I use both depending on what is available.

I weight out equal amounts of perlite and water for the incubation substrate.

I've used perlite lots- I prefer it over vermiculite, though I use both depending on what is available.

I weight out equal amounts of perlite and water for the incubation substrate.

I was under the impression you didn't need any water with hatchrite until recently when I had an egg completely dried out. Since I added a little water around the edges of the container I've seen my eggs grow a little more. Right now they stand at 5+ months.
Now what!

ok so my female may be gravid and if she is even though she's young, i want to prepare for it. Im seeing everyone uses some kind of vermicilite or perlite for laying, is that what i should use for her to lay eggs in and what do i use for a container. I have plants in there and im afraid she may use that instead of whatever other container i put in. Any ideas people? I read that it needs to be about 12 inches deep.What could i possibly use that would be that deep? She bred over a week ago, so i have to get something soon.
HOLD ON is it from Miracle Grow? If so there is fertilizer in there.

I hate miracle grow. That is why I use vermiculite more these days than before- all the big chains (walmart, lowes) stopped carrying normal perlite and only now carry miracle grow treated perlite. A stupid idea to take away the choice to have the chemicals in there or not.

Couple of years ago I accidentally hatched a number of bearded dragons on the miracle grow product- all ended up male. Never happened before- I'm pretty sure it was the miracle grow somehow.

I found a nursery now that I can get 4 cubic foot bags of non-treated perlite or vermiculite so I am back into perlite again.
Couple of years ago I accidentally hatched a number of bearded dragons on the miracle grow product- all ended up male. Never happened before- I'm pretty sure it was the miracle grow somehow..

Ya I remember you mentioning that. I have done the same. I can't say it affected the sex ratio. So pissed when I realized.
I moved them to vermiculite today. :D It has served me well for 5yrs.I picked up a huge bag this morning at the garden center for 5.99
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