Inetersted in Breeding my Chams?????


New Member
Hello all,

I am pretty new to chameleon world, however, have owned quite a few reptiles in my time. I am interested in breeding my two healthy male panther's (w/female) and wondering if any of you more experienced owners can provide some guidance. Anything I should know that would assist in my success?

Thanks Bunches,

I don't think it works when you try to breed to males together... In my experience they just fight when they see each other. I don't have any specific advice expect have tons of cash saved up for when they hatch, like $1000+. If you want arguments either way use the search function and plenty of threads similar to this but with responses should show up. Good luck.

Breeding is an expensive and risky endeavor. Not only does it take 9 months to a year to see any results, you have to keep the eggs in perfect conditions for that long.

Then when they hatch you have 20+ little babies that are going to eat 20+ pin heads a day.

I really think the only people that breed chameleons and come out on top are people that do it in larger amounts and breed their own feeders.
Just read up on it as much as you can. Its not that difficult if you follow what others have been successful with. Make sure you get a laying bin in shortly after breeding them. You will get 1-2 more clutches after the first one with most of the eggs being fertile so keep that in mind.

Make sure you are prepared with fruit fly cultures and small crickets for when the babies come. Putting the two chameleons together is easy. the good news is you have 20-30 days to read up on what to do with the eggs and 7-9 months to get ready for the babies. Then 3 months to figure out what you are going to do with them.

Think about it and have a plan.
Thanks guys for all the brilliant posts. I was interested in trying this at least once. Just would like to know I have some subject matter experts here (and hopefully friends) that are willing to support this endeavor with any advice.
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