Injured chameleon... PLEASE HELP!

Dexter Love

New Member
I am very concerned as my chameleon Dexter is not moving very well or at all, at that. It seems he must have injured his hand or arm (as he holds onto it most of the time and rarely moves). Several days ago I heard a noise and noticed that he had fallen out of the ficus tree in his cage... shortly there after is when I noticed his lack of movement and willingness to eat and drink. Currently he is very stationary, weak, and looks like he is fading. :( If anyone could help point me in the right direction, I would truely appreciate all of your help!
You should make an appointment with the vet. It's likely he hurt himself in the fall.

Meanwhile, fill out that How To Ask for Help form (just copy, paste into a reply and put in your information).

That way, experienced people here might be able to make suggestions to help.

Pictures are extremely helpful. As much as it pains me to suggest you photograph him in his distress, I think it would provide useful information.

**edited to add**

Suzi, great minds think alike?
Your help is much appreciated

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Jackson Chameleon, male, 1 year old (at the most) and has been in my care for about 8 months
Handling - He is handled very rarely... maybe once a month...if that
Feeding - He is being fed crickets several times a week. I normally place about a dozen or so in his cage at a time and he self feeds.
Supplements - I am currently not giving him any supplements.
Watering - I place him in the shower under a fine mist for about 30 minutes at a time 3 to 4 times weekly. When he is placed under the shower I always see him drinking.
Fecal Description - His dropping are dark and white in color and look a little like rat droppings in size. He has never been tested for parasites to my knowledge.
History - Picked him up at a reptile convention in Pomona in March. Two days ago he fell out of his ficus tree twice in one day leaving him rather weak.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - He is in a totally enclosed metal mesh screened cage that is 3' (in length) x 17" (width)
Lighting - Zoomed duel lighting 120volt. The basking light is on for at least 8 to 12 hours and the red night light on the rest of the time.
Temperature - Tempetures range from 50 degrees (Lowest overnight temp.) to 85 (highest temp.) These are the tempetures in the room in which his cage is in.
Humidity - Unsure of the humidity levels... I live by the beach so there tends to be a bit more moisture in the air
Plants - Ficus tree, several wood branches
Placement -His cage is placed ontop of a dresser in my bedroom. It is near a window that faces the side of my house. The top of his cage is about 8' to 9' feet from the ground.
Location - Ventura, California

Current Problem - I am very concerned as my chameleon Dexter is not moving very well or at all, at that. It seems he must have injured his hand or arm (as he holds onto it most of the time and rarely moves). Several days ago I heard a noise and noticed that he had fallen out of the ficus tree in his cage... shortly there after is when I noticed his lack of movement and willingness to eat and drink. Currently he is very stationary, weak, and looks like he is fading. If anyone could help point me in the right direction, I would truely appreciate all of your help!
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you have many things within your care that could attribute to him acting this way.right now i suggest you using the search button for jacksons care sheet and correcting what need to be corrected. then tomorrow getting him to a vet asap.

if you have any questions after reading how a jacksons should be cared for. please ask away.

edit: your cham is in very bad shape, very malnourished among other things.
I am very very new to owning a reptile... and this is my first time with a chameleon... please forgive me as I have been reading up on caring for these guys and trying the best I can to give him the love and attention needed. I do love him quite a bit and would truely appreciate your suggestions and any helpful information you may have to offer.
You said you aren't giving him any supplements...for how long have you not been giving it any? Did you ever give it any? If so, what brand(s) and how often?

You said..."Zoomed duel lighting 120volt. The basking light is on for at least 8 to 12 hours and the red night light on the rest of the time" one of these a UVB??

That chameleon does not look to be in good condition. The tail is thin and its eye(s) are swollen. I think its time to see a vet.
please dont take this wrong. if you have been reading care on jacksons. why is your care way off? please use this forums search button and look up care for them and change what needs to change immediately.

i would like to be a bit more optimistic for you. your chameleon is probably going to perish very soon.
I won't get on the "no supplements" bandwagon because Jacksons do not need as much supplementation as Veileds and Panthers which are sort of the board "norm".

I do think you want to take him to the vet. His limbs look good, but I have to looks like it hurts to be him right now, so something is definitely wrong.

He needs readily available water every day. The easiest way to do that is with a dripper. You can just poke pin holes in a plastic cup and put it on top of the cage...voila! You should start that right after you read this.

A question about your feeders: are you feeding the insects before giving them to your chameleon?

You do need to take this animal to a vet, but I can tell you they are very resilient animals. Once you get him the care he needs, he will bounce back and can be a good pet for you for a long time, so please do not delay in getting that process started.
I won't get on the "no supplements" bandwagon because Jacksons do not need as much supplementation as Veileds and Panthers which are sort of the board "norm".

I do think you want to take him to the vet. His limbs look good, but I have to looks like it hurts to be him right now, so something is definitely wrong.

He needs readily available water every day. The easiest way to do that is with a dripper. You can just poke pin holes in a plastic cup and put it on top of the cage...voila! You should start that right after you read this.

A question about your feeders: are you feeding the insects before giving them to your chameleon?

You do need to take this animal to a vet, but I can tell you they are very resilient animals. Once you get him the care he needs, he will bounce back and can be a good pet for you for a long time, so please do not delay in getting that process started.

Elizadolots.... THANK YOU!!!! You are a breath of fresh air to me right now!!!:eek:
As far as the crickets go... I purchase them from Petco and place them directly into his cage. I have not dusted the crickets with any supplementaion if that is what you are asking. Please forgive me for my ignorance... I am more than willing to learn and am grateful for your help in this matter!... as I just wish to get this lil guy on the road to recovery!
i breed jacksons ....

you need to get a srynge like for babys get carnivor care from vet or pet store you need to force feed him water and the carnivor care aswell as getting a calcium supp w d3 and sprinkle that in with the carnivore care dust crickets and try to force those down his throat by pulling on his chin skin whlie someone els holds him he neees nutrients and now!! and mist alot he is probly lacking in moisture pls give me updates do you have uvb lighting on him what kind of heat light whats the temp and whats the humidity gage at??
I am having trouble finding the care sheets for Jacksin Chameleons on this site...searched it and all... with no luck! Where may I be able to find these?
I just wanted to wish you the best of luck and hope you get your lil one all fixed up. I did notice the already mentioned, by Elizadolots, lack of water and as already suggested the use water dripper is needed. I think it's great you do the showers and would continue them along with your daily dripper. I don't know much about Jacksons but I mist my Panther Cham as well as a dripper and the occasional shower. You should get some great advise here on this forum. Make sure you read up on the gutloading of feeders and supplements needed for Jacksons. Hoping for the best for your guy!!! Make sure to update.
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