injured tail? what to do?


New Member
Its been a tough ride for my 7 year old Ambilobe panther. He got a cut on his foot and had some falls. I took him to the vet. good news no gout but hard to heal. Since then after applying ointment everyday more falls and now he can't seem to use his tail. I think he injured it on a fall. He's low energy, but still eats. I'm sad for the poor guy, whenever it mists (which I've cut down the cycles) he goes to get away from the water and often falls without the use of his tail appendage. I really don't know what to do anymore but just keep trying to maintain him. If he only had his tail back I think I can mist less and get him healthy but without tail control, he's going to keep falling?

any help please!
7 years makes your guy a nice old man, his mobility may be starting to falter just from age. Chameleons usually do just fine without their tails, so I think it may be a case of something like arthritis or just old, tired muscles. I think that in your position I would rethink his set-up to fit his needs now as a senior chameleon, which may mean modifying his cage to be more horizontal instead of vertical.

I would probably flip his cage on its side, so that the vertical height is greatly reduced. Then make sure that he can move about using sturdy, easy to grab pathways like wooden dowels instead of having to use plants. If you're using a screen cage you can probably hold them up using something like push-pins, for example. Sturdy, smooth perches will probably help his mobility. Then, if you're still worried about falls, you can put something like a yoga mat cut to size on the floor - something easy to clean and water resistant but low-impact if he falls.

If the cage is up on a tallish stand or table the lack of vertical space shouldn't bother him, I would think. Then just have his basking spot on one end so he can move towards the other to thermoregulate.

That's the best I can offer to make him comfortable, I hope it helps.
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My arthritic gouty old cham has several hammocks in his cage now. I've strategically placed them so if he falls he hits a hammock from pretty much every perch with just three hammocks at different levels. He has finally realized that he can rest on them and he does so often to avoid perching. And something soft at the bottom to catch him if he does fall from them. 7 years old is really good for a cham!
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