interested in buying a chameleon


New Member
I have been looking around for a chameleon and was looking for some help, i know i want a panther, due to the awesome colors. i was wondering if babies are bland colored or are they vibrant from birth and which breed of panther is best for the most vibrant variety of colors. any info will help, i am in south orange county california and looking to purchase so if you guys know of good breeders with chameleons with the above attributes please let me know
Baby panthers from birth until about 3.5-4mo are bland in color from blackish to browns and tans. They start to show some of the colors reds, greens little at a time around 3mo and continue as time goes on to get them more. They grow into the colors. If your wanting colors already I would suggest you purchase an older baby from 5mo to older where there coloring is already showing. As for what type of panther you want it just depends on the type of coloring your looking for. There all different in colorings so it depends on what you like! Below is the link to my pictures of Chameo my baby panther and you can see what I am talking about above.
Go with a blue bar ambilobe! They are such nice chameleons, you won't be dissapointed. Babies males start to show their color around 4 months. I highly reccomend tiktiki reptiles, they sell nice chameleons and have perfect costumer service.
If you don't know that the babies are not colorful you have quite a bit more researching to do. The search feature here will be your best friend. :)
just make sure u get as much info on caregiving as u possibly can before u buy....and dont buy anything under 3 months old....for a first chameleon a 4-6 month old may be a better bet to get urself into the chameleon world
just make sure u get as much info on caregiving as u possibly can before u buy....and dont buy anything under 3 months old....for a first chameleon a 4-6 month old may be a better bet to get urself into the chameleon world

Or even, a male that has reached adulthood. At least you know they are healthy and know exactly what you are getting in terms of colour. They live longer lives then the females and you don't have to worry about a females gravid state. If I would have known how complicated having a female could be, I would have bought a male first.

Although, I thoroughly enjoy the challenge of providing the best care for my girl. It's a great learning experience and will set precedent for my future of owning chameleons that are for the more experienced keeper.

Use your descretion and study about chameleons daily. They are complex reptiles that require a lot of care on a daily basis.

Happy hunting!
Welcome to Chameleon Forums! I am also pretty new here, it's the holy grail for chameleon information!

I will say this - I am not sure if this is your intentions, but getting a chameleon for looks is 1 thing, but make sure you do your homework. They are not hardy like a Bearded Dragon or a Leapord Gecko; they get stressed rather easily.

They need correct humidity, vitamins with food supply, constant running water & misting system, live plants, and shouldn't be held too much (although Panthers are probably the most "okay" with being held) - they are not like Tegus, well-behaved Monitors, or Bearded Dragons at all.

It is a great experience to have a Chameleon, just make sure you get it for the right reasons and make sure you are ready. When I was in college, I thought about getting one, and I am glad I settled with a Bearded Dragon at that time, because I was not ready.

So, use this site to do your homework, ask questions to me or anyone else - and as even I have learned this - there is no such thing as a stupid question unless it's not asked :)
Welcome, Zburch! I hope you find the forums helpful. There are many experienced keepers and breeders here who have much helpful information, advice, and testimony to offer.

As to your question, here are some pictures of several different F. pardalis morphs: Adcham Furcifer Pardalis Morphs.

Before you set out to purchase a chameleon, make sure you have a thorough knowledge of what's required to healthily maintain these marvelously fragile creatures. These two articles are good: Introduction to Chameleon Husbandry and Common Myths of Chameleon Husbandry

Also, get an idea of what kind of regular chores responsible keepers have to perform.


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