Introduction With Pics!


New Member
Well i am still fairly new to the forums and have done a ton of research and decided its time to introduce my chameleon and set up. His name is Dexter and is a FlChams veiled from the Newton bloodline. I have had him for about 6 weeks and is growing very fast. First time i weighed him he weighed 15.4 grams, this was about 3.5 weeks after i recieved him. Now about 2.5 weeks later he weighs 34 grams just crazy how much he has grown. Anyways onto the pics!

I snapped the pics while he was basking so hes a bit darker then usual.



Here are a couple pics of my entire enclosure set up with my mistking and lights (reptisun 5.0 linear tube and low watt house standard bulb.)



Not as exciting but here are a couple pictures of my silkworm set up i have for him.


Hey i have a newton too, i just got him, i cant wait for him to get a little bigger like yours, he seems so fragile now. have you tried dubia roaches? I wonder if mine will take em. Has yours got any cool colors yet?
Hey i have a newton too, i just got him, i cant wait for him to get a little bigger like yours, he seems so fragile now. have you tried dubia roaches? I wonder if mine will take em. Has yours got any cool colors yet?

Hey there, i have tried dubia roaches but he did not seem to go for them. He mostly feeds on gut loaded crickets and the silkies. He can be a bit picky on food i have tried horn worms, butter worms various fruits and greens but dosnt show much interest in anything other then crickets and silkworms. He absolutely loves the silkworms though. He still has not shown to much as far as coloring goes, stays mostly green or the color he is in the pics when basking. He is still pretty young though i am thinking in the next couple months the colors will really start to show.
Hello and welcome to Tninl and Dexter :)- all looking really good, as it's bound to if Texas Panther Man has anything to do with it......
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