Is Alphys egg bound?


Alphys hasn't been active lately. She used to climb up and down her tree, and she would sometimes climb the curtains. Around a month or two ago she ventured outside her area which was a first (forgot to mention she is not kept in an enclosure, she has her own tree next to a sunny spot next to the window). But now she's always in her tree. She also doesn't have a strong grip like she used to.
She's been sleeping a lot. It's becoming rare to see her awake. She doesn't want to eat anymore. I had to force feed her today. Two days ago I offered some mealworms in a bowl and she leaned in to eat one. She bit it but it slipped out of her mouth and that was it. She stopped eating voluntarily afterwards. I have to mention that she hasn't been using her tongue normally. She has to lean into the bowl and get close enough to the worm to lick it into her mouth.

She's skinny so I doubt there are eggs, I even gently pressed against her belly to see if there was anything. I could only feel the ribcage. I bought her playsand and wetted it and put it into an empty bin.

I've been letting her bask in the sun and sprayed water on her tree and surroundings and she drinks it. Today however she didn't want to drink and just closed her eyes.

Here's a picture of her

I don't know how old she is but I measured her and she is the length of an adult female veiled (around 14 inches). Is there a way to know how old is she? Also, I may have done it wrong, so where exactly should I check on Alphys's body for eggs?

I'm really scared that she might be sick or egg bound. I'm in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and there are no reptilian vets here. Any advice will help. If you happen to know a vet/reptilian expert in Jeddah please let me know. Thanks in advance.
She looks dehydrated, underfed and overall weak. You mentioned she lives in a tree by a window. Do you still have a UVB source of her at all times?

It sounds like she has MBD. Having the inability to hit her feeders from a distance and having the need to lean into the bowl and lap the feeder more than firing at the feeder is not a good sign.

You need to contact @jajeanpierre. She might know of a vet in Jeddah that you could visit. I will ask her too.
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