Is Dexter fat?


I'm not sure if Dex is eating a lot. Is it possible that he's overweight?


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Dexter I think is a Mrs. Dexter. Appears to be female, gravid, and have MBD! Take him/her to an exotic vet ASAP! Also get a laying bin set up for her. @jannb can probably help with that
Yes, Dex suffers from MBD, he has gotten a lot better. He couldn't walk at one point. I have been looking for a vet near my area.
Yes, Dex suffers from MBD, he has gotten a lot better. He couldn't walk at one point. I have been looking for a vet near my area.
Yes get a laying bin set up too, the tannish splotches are gravid colors. Females lay infertile clutches of eggs every couple of months, and they can become egg bound if they are not able to lay. Good luck and keep us updated!
Dextina needs a laying bin asap. No delay on this, as she could become egg bound and that could be fatal.

A few blogs you might find helpful (thanks to great CF member @jannb for this list):
Haha Dextina.
Thank you for the advice!
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