Is DUBIA Diet a good gut loader ?

So I was on and found this DUBIA diet and was curious, do you guys think it’s a good gutloader?
I am not sure. They do not post the actual protein content of it. This is where you have to be careful when it comes to feeding roaches. Protein has to be lower than a lot of the commercial gut loads offer. Typically under 14% if I am remembering correctly. Here is a link to the why of it all
I would say that it is something that I might give to my breeding adult roaches along with their usual fresh produce. I don’t think I’d give it to the roach nymphs that I feed to my animals. I’d rather they get something more nutritious like Repashy Bug Burger to supplement their fresh produce.
Wheat middlings, ground oats, wheat germ, brewers dried yeast, dehydrated alfalfa meal, dried beet pulp.

Thats pretty bad, i dont think i could make it worse unless i used soy left overs instead of ground oats.

The stuff is made out of "food biproducts" that you would normally throw away, or feed to livestock to fatten them up.
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