Is it normal for my young veild to wheeze when he is hissing at me?


New Member
It is a male about 3-4 months, and when he hisses at me it sounds like he is wheezing on the intake breath. He makes a little squeak. Otherwise his breathing seems fine, no weird mucus in his mouth, and he eats/sleeps/drink well. I figured he is squeaking because his windpipe is still so small, but I could be wrong. Does he have a cold or is this normal?

Chameleon Info:

Your Chameleon - Male, 3-4 month veiled. I have had him for about a month.
Handling - Three times, for a few minutes
Feeding - Dubias, meal worms, and a wax worm for treats.
Supplements - Every feeding calcium w/o d3. His first two days it was with multivitaims and calcium with d3.
Watering - I mist 3 or 4 times a day until the whole plant is wet. i try not to spray him. I see him drink rarely
Fecal Description - Brown and white with a little slime in between. Never tested for parisites

Cage Info:

Cage Type - 18x18x36 screen enclosure.
Lighting - 50 watt heat lamp in a dome. 27 watt repti-glow 5.0 CFL
Temperature - Day time, basking spot is about 83 and the floor is around 73. Night time, the entire cage drops to 70. Digital thermometer
Humidity - Humidity is about 50% and 70% after misting.
Plants - One large Hibiscus takes up almost the entire cage.
Placement - He is on the floor in a low traffic area, with no fans, next to a window. I will elevate his cage on a table when I am able to handle him next.
Location - Atlanta, Georgia USA
Any chance you can make a vid of this?

they hiss, growl, squeak, moan etc when they are angry.

and its possible thats jus this warning sound. especially if hes young.

my guy made silly squeaky noises as a baby, but now at over a year old, he makes hissing growling noises.
It is a male about 3-4 months, and when he hisses at me it sounds like he is wheezing on the intake breath. He makes a little squeak. Otherwise his breathing seems fine, no weird mucus in his mouth, and he eats/sleeps/drink well. I figured he is squeaking because his windpipe is still so small, but I could be wrong. Does he have a cold or is this normal?

Chameleon Info:

Your Chameleon - Male, 3-4 month veiled. I have had him for about a month.
Handling - Three times, for a few minutes
Feeding - Dubias, meal worms, and a wax worm for treats.
Supplements - Every feeding calcium w/o d3. His first two days it was with multivitaims and calcium with d3.
Watering - I mist 3 or 4 times a day until the whole plant is wet. i try not to spray him. I see him drink rarely
Fecal Description - Brown and white with a little slime in between. Never tested for parisites

Cage Info:

Cage Type - 18x18x36 screen enclosure.
Lighting - 50 watt heat lamp in a dome. 27 watt repti-glow 5.0 CFL
Temperature - Day time, basking spot is about 83 and the floor is around 73. Night time, the entire cage drops to 70. Digital thermometer
Humidity - Humidity is about 50% and 70% after misting.
Plants - One large Hibiscus takes up almost the entire cage.
Placement - He is on the floor in a low traffic area, with no fans, next to a window. I will elevate his cage on a table when I am able to handle him next.
Location - Atlanta, Georgia USA

i could be wrong but i say dont worry. all three of my veiled did the same. in fact they still do. its just slightly different now. i figured its like when you were little and screamed. it sounded way different than if you were to do it now
plus, some chams just sound different. my panthers and veileds both hiss now and then but i can tell who it is thats hissing by the sound
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