Is it normal to eat his on shed?


New Member
My cham just sheded and i clean his cage but i guess i miss one shedding piece. I was looking at him till i notice he was eating his own shedding. Is it safe for him to do that? Is that normal? Just would like some answer thanks. I do feed my cham i just put 7 crickets for him to eat as of today . I'm thinking he thought they were silkworms cuz i ran out and waiting for more for the mail.
They are known to eat their skin after they shed it. Some do and some don't. I wouldn't worry about it.
They do sometimes eat their shed, but not usually as much as geckos do. When Amy was little, I watched her go down to a lower branch and zap her shed off the floor, lol!:D She's never done it since though!
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Quite normal and harmless, many species do so. not yet noticed my veiled doing it though. Very very common in geckos. Interestingly, I once witness a snake (captive) devour its fresh shed, though I suspect it was underfed and hungry.
Many lizards do so as a matter of course, it's not clear to me if its intentional for nutrition or more to disuade predators by limiting their scent, and not leaving indicators of their prescence.
Glad you asked this question

My Male Veiled Stewie did this today!!! glad to know it is acceptable behavoir, lol ;)
Very normal......

It's very normal....I have a group of three week old Veiled babies housed in a tub. They started doing their first sheds. They snatch the shed off each other as it separates and hangs off in pieces. I don't think it was due to hunger as they still had some crickets in their cage. I think they like the taste and know by instinct that it has some nutrition in it.
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